Welcome to our montly newsletter. This time we have some very interesting bits of information for you:
1. Files of our latest Kickstarter have been delivered
2. We are on Facebook, Instagram and VK now:
Make sure to follow us on our dedicated Plattforms:
(Facebook URL will change)
3. Some new Pictures of print outs:

If you have also printed some of our models, please send us pictures to Louis[at]warscenery.com
We are looking forward to seeing your prints!
4. We are cooperating with Salaisefigurines:
We have established to contact with a very talented painter and hobbyist from France. If you are a fan of his and follow him on Patreon you will also receive a Discount code for our website.
5. Work on our next project has begun
Due to the current situation we find ourselfs in, here in Europe there is a lot of free time that can be used for modelling :)
Great Stuff! Keep it up.