Dear Subscribers, we are back with another exciting newsletter about 3D printable Terrain and Miniatures made by yours truly, War Scenery. Today we want to focus on what's happening in the next weeks as well as what's currently going on with our Kickstarter Siege of Castograd: KICKSTARTER
Our current Kickstarter has received a big update with the modular Heavy Fortress Walls being included in the main Terrain Pledge and some other additions.
Also, the Laboris Heavy Truck has been revealed and will soon be unlocked along with a lot more content like the Castograd Laborers.
The new Renegade Standard Bearer will be unlocked soon, have a look at the nice paintjob by our team. How will you paint yours? (There will also be a blank banner version so you can put your own insignia on it.
3. Castograd Terrain and Minis Review:
We have also received another great Review Video from our Friends Rollem.
4. Adepticon:
Next week, starting on Wednesday the 20th of March 2024, we will be stationed at Adepticon in Schaumburg (Chicago), Illinois. Make sure to meet us there to find some exclusive miniatures and awesome terrain. Be amazed at our beautiful Insurgents, Renegades as well as our diverse terrain ranges.
You can find our Booth (number 904) in the Foyer, just in Front of the entrance to the main exhibitor hall. Feel free to stop by and let us know your wishes and ideas for future terrain or miniature collections. We will be bringing along some terrain and minis as well, if you don't have a printer yourself, you may pick it up :)
5. Nekropainter Bemalkurse [GERMAN]
Unser Freund Nekropainter, der sich auch, wie man sehen kann, mit einem wunderschönen Beitrag an unserem Castograd Renegade Guard Malwettbewerb beteiligt hat, bietet in diesem Jahr noch einige toll Malkurse an: HIER
Schaut mal bei der Ultra Comix Akademie vorbei und meldet euch an, wenn ihr lernen wollt, wie man so tolle Minis bemalen kann.
Folgt ihm auch gerne auf Insta:
Thanks and Greetings
Your War Scenery Team